Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry - The Code

After I wrote the title, I immediately thought of the cartoon characters, cat & mouse, Tom & Jerry. Did you?

What actually inspired the title was Tom Cruise in "Jerry Maguire".

Anyway, me and my hubby were watching Jerry Maguire and it was on the scene towards the end.

Remember when Jerry bust in the women gathering and said to Dorothy, "I love you. You, you complete me. And I just."

And Dorothy said, "Shut up, just shut up! You had me at "Hello"!

Well that sparked a whole discussion on the most memorable quote of the movie, like when Jerry screams in the phone to Ron, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!"

Then one thing led to another and my hubby said, "What a shame that Tom Cruise got so weird because he's such a great actor. Remember when he jumped up and down on Oprah's couch?"

I said, " Yeah, I remember that!"

Now I gotta tell you, Tom's couch hopping didn't offend me like it did so many. And I remember thinking at the time, "Good for you, Tom. You're acting kinda silly but who gives a crap about what others think."

And at that second it dawned on me that Tom possesses The Code that eludes so many. The Code which is the hidden order and secret personality discipline of the filthy rich.

The Code that unless this absolute foundational law is being used, no other "attraction" law can work without it.

The Code that when you learn to apply it, the wrong type of people will find you offensive and learn to despise you.

The Code that is necessary for Master Marketers to possess.

Because if they don't, what's the point of learning HOW to attract thousands of people and when they show up, you turn them off?

Or how about this, what's the point in learning how to network but fail to possess the secret Code of Presidents and Rock Stars?

Because do YOU really think learning SEO, blogging, Facebook, and Twitter are going to be useful if when you gather a crowd, you appear scared, weak, and unsure of yourself simply by the words you speak?

And what happens when a prospect raises their hand and asks, "What are you doing and can you show me more?" If your response is going to be anything less than excellent?

Seriously, if you don't take steps to learning and possessing The Code, you will end up working the rest of your life for someone who does.

And if that's what you want, then go for it!

But not me pal!!

Okay I'm done and I am always so pleasantly surprised Because God doesn't give money, He gives concepts!

To think this concept was sparked by watching "Jerry Maguire"!

And Tom jumping on Oprah's couch!

Only to remind me that our world is DOMINATED by people who possess The Code!

And that it's ours for the taking, if and only if we are willing to learn and apply it!

Simple Dimple!